These Mini Mason Jar Fruit Crisps are easy to make with your favorite fruit in these cute little individual servings, and they are so wonderfully sweet and delicious! (This post contains affiliate links.)

In the past week or so that we have been home from our honeymoon, literally dozens of people have asked us the classic — “So how’s married life?!”
Our answer — “AWESOME.”
I mean, clearly we’re brand new at all of this. But after all of the busyness of the past few months of wedding planning, it has felt so, so good to finally be able to just settle back into everyday real life again. And there have been a hundred small details I have loved about everyday real life now that we’re finally living together. Like, seeing him reach into the dresser to pull out his socks each morning that are stored right next to mine?! Tiny detail…but so fun. Signing up together for the Google Music family plan? Love it! Receiving a photo text when he arrived home first this week and found that the dogs had broken into their food closet and had an all-you-can-eat-buffet with their 15-pound bag of food on the kitchen floor? I mean…gahhhh. But still, so fun to have him here to share those random moments together (and have a little chit-chat with the dogs about making better decisions in the future).
Still, of all the newness of this past month, I think one of the random things I have loved the most is simply being in the same house and doing our own thing at times. Ha, that may be a weird thing to say. But most of the time when we were dating, we always spent our time together hanging out and doing the exact same thing, which was great. Now, though, it has been so fun — say — for me to be working out on the elliptical while he’s working on his computer over on the couch. Or for him to be doing the dishes while I’m paying bills over at the dining table. Or — like the other night — for me to be baking and taste-testing yet another batch (I’m obsessed) of these cute little Mini Mason Jar Fruit Crisps in the kitchen while he’s playing guitar and rehearsing for a gig with a friend in the living room. It just feels like this really fun new stage of our relationship to be doing our own independent everyday life stuff right alongside one another in the same house. And I’m lovin’ it.
I’m also, of course, lovin’ these adorable little single-serving fruit crisps. They’re super easy to make with mini mason jars or ramekins, bursting with fresh and sweet fruit flavors, and easy to scale down for 1 or 2 people, or up to a crowd. And the best part?! You can make them with whatever fruit you’d like!

In preparation for finally photographing and sharing this recipe, I tested out about 8 different fruit flavor combinations the other night to see which would be the most popular. And of course — everyone had a different opinion. I’m on a big pineapple crisp kick this summer (how did I never try making a crisp with it until now?!), but Barclay said to tell all of you that strawberry-blueberry crisp is where it’s at. Just about any juicy fruit will do, though. Or a combination of your favorites. (This recipe is a perfect use for leftover fruit!)

To put everything together, just whip up a simple oatmeal crisp topping (<– which can easily be gluten-free, btw).

Then mix up your fruit filling, and portion it evenly between your half-pint mason jars(or you can also use 4- or 5-ounce ramekins). Sprinkle the crisp on top, then bake until the fruit is all bubbly and the topping is lightly browned and crispy.
(For these photos, I made a batch of pineapple-peach fruit filling, and strawberry-blueberry-raspberry fruit filling!)

Then serve them UP!

I highly recommend a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream to go with each one. But you can’t go wrong however you serve them. Such a perfect little summer treat.
Enjoy, everyone!!

Reviewed by chef simo
April 24, 2018